
New Project Inbound

Hey folks, I’ve had a thing or two going on, but I promise an article on my new project in the next two weeks on the ethernet aware digital clock.  I’ll be giving it some woodworking flare to dress it up along with some Bacon Fat Labs original mods.  Stay tuned. In the mean time, […]

What in the world is cull lumber?

In my previous article, I made a few references to “cull lumber”.  There were a few people who asked me what in the world that was, so I thought it warranted a short entry and explanation. cull/kəl/ – Verb: Select from a large quantity; obtain from a variety of sources. Most lumber yards and big […]

OSHW Eagle symbols for schematic and silkscreen

Recently, I started designing a piece of hardware (more on that in a future post), and decided to release it as open source.  In Eagle, I began looking for available symbols and silkscreen images to make it a little easier on myself.  My search initially led me to a post over at MightyOhm, where Jeff […]

Dewalt Powershop rebuild

I have no idea why I haven’t written about this until now, since the video have been together for almost a year now, but enjoy.  Here’s build highlights from a 1960’s DeWalt Powershop that I put back into good working condition after I inherited it from my father-in-law.

The Folding@Home project, with a little VMWare. Part 2

If you linked here directly, feel free to go back and read part 1 for background on this project, located here.  If you’re still with us from Part 1, Thanks! Recently, I filled a 4 foot rolling rack with equipment.  A 4 core IBM eSeries server with 2 TB of SCSI storage running ESXi is […]

The Folding@Home project, with a little VMWare. Part 1

Around this time last year, I made a post about helping the environment through a service called “Earth911”.  This post isn’t about the environment, nor is it about woodworking, electronics, weather, or any of the other weird stuff you’ve come to expect from my writings.  This is about helping the thing we all hold most […]

Welcome, visitors from “The Daily Matt”!

Hey Everyone, thanks for visiting my site! If you linked here from “The Daily Matt” (I’m noticing A LOT of referrer traffic in my logs), let me be the first to welcome you on your arrival!  I have taken the liberty of organizing all of the hand planer restoration articles into one concise source.  Again, […]

Refurbishing Old Hand Planes Part 4: Sharpening the iron

Wow, a tremendous response from some of you who are following my restoration articles! Thank you all for your kind words and support! For those of you just joining us, we’ve been discussing how to refurbish an old Stanley #4 hand plane that I inherited as a family heirloom. If you have missed part 1, […]

Refurbishing Old Hand Planes Part 3: Modifying the throat and chip breaker.

For those following along, welcome back! For those of you just joining us, we’ve been talking about how to restore an old Stanley #4 hand plane. If you’d like to catch up, feel free to check out part 1 and part 2 beforehand. We’ve got our sole flattened and our frog is true, and now […]